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X700cbfd1 - Patches?


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У кого с инглишем не лады, как у меня 8)

Hello all,

Привет всем,

Is the any patches for firmware x700cbfd1?

Есть ли патчи для прошивки x700cbfd1?

Or is it possibility to convert some patches from x700xeek6 to x700cbfd1?

Или возможно ли перенести патчи с x700xeek6 на x700cbfd1?


Is the any patches for firmware x700cbfd1?


Or is it possibility to convert some patches from x700xeek6 to x700cbfd1?

Yes. Прошивки одинаковые, только языки разные... так что дерзай (переведите ему, если не сложно :10: )

Пожертвования отправлять сюда R256859050930

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This firmware contain languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Polish, Slovakian.


I was trying to convert patch (text_display_v3.smp - x700xefc3) to firmware x700cbfd1 but without success 8)


I was opening patch with notepad.exe. Then I was searching HEX string in firmware x700cbfd1, but there wasn't all HEX strings :10:


What should I do to convert this patch?


Please help

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More simply carry on XEEK6 necessary you language support from SBFD1. :10:

Possible,for instance, delete from XEFK6 baltic languages,but on from place to add polish or slovak.And use all patches for XEFK6 8)

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Marcinek, What you need the language?Polish?


In the same way possible add slovak or czech,hungarian...And use all patches for X700XEEK6,rather then write new :59:

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Marcinek, The Difference,except language package,no.But for xeek6 plenty of PATCHES,perfecting functions of the telephone. :59:

Take into account russian language,is useful ;)

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